5 Natural Parkinson’s Remedies For Instant Relief

Parkinson’s is a degenerative neural condition that develops when there is a deficiency in number of dopamine-producing brain cells in the central nervous system. When a person suffers from this disease, it damages the area of brain dealing with movements. Although there isn’t any definitive Parkinson’s cure till date, there are abundant natural Parkinson’s remedies you may try for instant relief. If you know someone who suffers from this condition, it is crucial to know the natural remedies to slow down the progress of Parkinson’s. In this blog we discuss five most effective natural remedies that generate incredible results.
1. Herbane Leaves
Another name for Herbane leaves is Hyoscyamus Niger. Many studies proved that these leaves make a great and efficient tincture reducing the progress of Parkinson’s disease. Soak 300 grams of fresh leaves in 400ml of alcohol for at least three weeks. You need to remember to keep the dosage in check. Initially, give about four to five drops of the tincture to the patient and gradually increase it to thirty drops in a span of two to three days. 2. Massage
A head, neck, and shoulder massage is an effective method when it comes to a Parkinson’s cure. There are a number of body parts that relieve different aspects of the disease, such as massaging the lower limbs improves balance of the patient. Olive oil massages relieves fatigue a patient suffers from due to lack of exercise. 3. Vitamin B
Many studies show that consumption of food items rich in Vitamin B are vital for treating brain disorders. Make sure you provide your loved one who suffers from Parkinson’s disease with meals rich in Vitamin B, such as yeast, wheat, beans, grapes , carrots, potatoes, and berries. 4. Herbs

Many people use different herbs to treat a number of ailments. Atropa Belladonna is a herb that help in reducing the rigidity and spasms of body muscles. Make sure you give a Parkinson’s patient Atropa roots, in any form, as a cure for this degenerative condition. Keep in mind that if your patient feels soreness and dryness in their throat, reduce the dose. 5. Antioxidants
Various research showed that damage to brain cells as a result of oxidation increased the pace Parkinson’s disease in a patient. It is, therefore, important for you to make sure a person suffering from Parkinson’s consumes food rich in antioxidants. Keep in mind to absolutely avoid giving processed food items to patients suffering from this condition. Conclusion Although Parkinson’s is a condition that has no cure yet, there are a number of natural remedies you may use to curb the development of this disease. It is important for you to research about this condition and make sure you remember all Parkinson’s remedies to relieve a patient from certain symptoms. It is also important to consider looking for a Parkinson’s home care center if taking care of the patient is a handful. 


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